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Australian Native Rosella – Hibiscus heterophyllus


Appealing Native Australian shrub to small tree with Culinary uses.

2 in stock

Australian Native Rosella – Hibiscus heterophyllus

We can meet you if you are located anywhere along the blue line on the map shown in the images ONLY after prior arrangements have been made before purchasing.

Plants vary from photos.

Plants height is 100-110cm not including the pot. Due to our chemical free practices and natural dam water usage the plants may present with imperfections such as discoloured and chewed leaves.

Sold in recycled Plastic pots. Plants have been grown locally to the western Wide Bay region using chemical free practises and not kept in a shade house. They also natively grow in the Wide Bay Burnett region as well.

This 3-5 metre shrub, characterized by prickly stems and rough, dark green leaves, blooms from winter to summer and sometimes into autumn. The flowers of this shrub offer both aesthetic and culinary uses. The flowers of Hibiscus heterophyllus are large up to 15cm in diameter and their colour varies from yellow, pink and white with pink-edged petals and a dark red center.  Apart from being visually appealing, the flowers attracts native birds and insects, such as lorikeets, honeyeaters, and butterflies.

Growing Conditions:
This species thrives in moist areas of open forest land and rainforest perimeters spanning from the east coast of Queensland to central New South Wales. It requires a sunny and well-drained environment, growing rapidly to a height of 3-5 meters.

Medicinal/Edible Uses:
DISCLAIMER: We are not Herbalists, Doctors or claim to be professionals. Please do all your own independent research before using any parts of any plant.
Young leaves, flower petals, and fruit base, called calyx, are edible.
As an attractive addition to salads, the colorful petals serve as edible ornaments. The buds can be pickled or boiled, while the flowers themselves can be stuffed, made into fritters, or brewed into tea. Harvesting the buds over a couple of days and refrigerating them allows for long-term storage until needed. With a slightly tart taste, the buds can be consumed raw or cooked. In addition, the petals of Hibiscus heterophyllus can be transformed into jams, syrups, and cordials. While the flowers only last for a day, picking them as they begin to unfurl in the morning and refrigerating them until the evening will keep them fresh for use during night time festivities.


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